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West Twyford Primary School Achieving Together





At West Twyford Primary School our aim is to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever-changing digital world.  Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in programming, digital literacy and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. These strands are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes during children’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. Our intention is that Computing also supports children’s creativity and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school.




At West Twyford the delivery of the National Curriculum is achieved by delivering the objectives under three key strands: digital literacy, programming and e-safety. As pupils progress throughout the school, they are provided with regular opportunities to revisit and extend their learning in these three areas. 


In Key Stage 1 pupils explore the use of computer systems and networks and explore the use of technology in the world around them. The investigate how IT improves our world and learn the importance of using IT responsibly. They will explore the capture and editing of digital imagery and learn to recognise that images that they see may not always be real. Pupils are provided opportunities to develop programming skills using robots and develop an understanding of algorithms and how to sequence these to achieve a desired outcome. Pupils will be taught to identify personal information and the need to keep this away from strangers as well as identifying who they can talk to if they are concerned about content they come across in the digital world. 


In Key Stage 2 pupils explore computer networks and learn about how they can be used to work collaboratively. They will be taught to understand how the Internet functions as well developing the skills to search and evaluate online content to decide how honest, accurate or reliable it may be and to understand some of the consequences of false information.  Pupils will explore a variety of programmes to develop their digital skills and use these to manipulate and develop content to present in different contexts. They will explore databases, spreadsheet, graphics and webpage creation.  


Key stage 2 pupils will be provided the opportunity to design and write programmes using a variety of software. They will be taught logical reasoning to develop their own algorithms as well as to analyse and debug algorithms made by others. Pupils will start by sequencing algorithms to achieve a goal; explore repetition and how this can be used to create more complex algorithms; use selection of conditions as the means of controlling the flow of actions in a programme and explore the concept of variables and relate them to real world examples of values that can be set and changed. Pupils are provided with the opportunity to use algorithms developed with physical devices such as a Crumble controller or the micro:bit. 


In Key Stage 2 e-safety teaching, as well as continuing to emphasise the importance of keeping personal information safe and understanding who to turn to for help, pupils will also explore the dangers of accepting and or clicking on unsolicited or suspicious messages and attachments; learn to assess the reliability of information on the internet; consider the impact of cyberbullying on others and learn about the potential dangers of meeting strangers they have met online.  


E-safety is also explored by all year groups on Safer Internet Day, and pupils are provided with the opportunity to participate in lessons based upon the annual theme. All pupils are provided with regular up-to-date information about many of the programmes they can access outside of the school environment. 




The children’s access to a range of online programs such as Scratch, Logo, Google Drawing, Internet browsers, J2code and many others will develop their generic IT skills and provide a good understanding of how to write and debug programming software. 


After each unit of work, teachers will make a judgement on whether pupils have met, exceeded or are working towards the objectives set. This will also provide information for the subject leader to track progress across the school and monitor achievement and progress and the impact that this has had. 


After the implementation of this extensive computing curriculum, we hope that all children will be digitally literate and able to progress further as resilient, confident and resourceful individuals. As they become more confident in their abilities in computing, this will promote independence and nurture key life skills, such as problem-solving, logical thinking, self-evaluation and reflection. They will be furnished with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and safely. The greatest impact on the children is to bring about an understanding of the huge advantages that technology can offer and that they are aware of the pitfalls and how to keep themselves safe online.  


By the time our pupils leave West Twyford, they will be prepared for the next stage in their lives, knowing how to be a responsible user of technology in the wider world. 

