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West Twyford Primary School Achieving Together


Recommended Books!

Please click here to see some books recommended by Miss Caldecott. Remember to read every day to your child.

Weekly Maths and Literacy Tasks:

Each week, your child shall be set a Maths and Literacy task to complete. This can be accessed by clicking here, or on the image further down this page that looks like .

Once you have completed the work, you can email it into the class teacher and they will provide feedback. The email is for your child's learning only. For other queries and concerns please continue to contact the school office as normal. The email for this year group is:




We look forward to hearing from you!

Phonics At Home:

To help children learning to read at home during school closure, Read Write Inc. are streaming 7 phonics, reading and spelling lessons every weekday on their YouTube Channel.


Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and available for 24 hours.

Speed Sounds Set 1 - for children in Nursery and Reception and children who are new to English.

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds 9.30 am (BST)
  • Set 1 Word Time 9.45 am
  • Set 1 Spelling 10.00 am


Don't worry if you miss a lesson. Once each set has been shown, we will replay one a day from each set.

Daily Timetable:

Children really like routine so it may be helpful to create a timetable for the day (perhaps draw it on paper so that they can see it) and talk to your child about it.


Here are some suggested daily recommendations:

  • Read to your child for about 20 minutes a day (more if they are enjoying it).
  • Encourage your child to draw something every day and to write their name on their picture. (This will keep the strength in their hands that we have been working on over the past two terms. Using some scissors occasionally and playing with playdough would also be good for this)
  • Keep counting objects, practicing getting a certain amount of objects (between 3 and 10) and talking about shapes, size, length etc.
  • Play some games.
  • Get some exercise if you can.

There are also some tasks on Education City ready for you to complete right now! If you would like your child’s individual password please email the school. 

