The art and design education at West Twyford Primary School aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The curriculum aims to develop children’s critical abilities, as well as an understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages through the study of a diverse range of artists.
Children will develop their understanding of the visual language of art with effective teaching and considered sequences of lessons and experiences. Understanding of the visual elements of art and design (line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form) will be developed by providing a curriculum which will enable children to experiment and develop their ideas. The Art curriculum at WTPS contributes to children’s personal development and is underpinned by our school’s Learning Behaviours.
As children progress through the school, they experience a range of artists’ media and continue to develop their drawing, painting and sculpting skills. Children discover how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of the world in which we live.
Art and Design projects are centred around three ‘Threshold Concepts’: ‘Taking inspiration from the Greats’, ‘Developing ideas’ and ‘Mastering Techniques’. The Art long-term map is designed to provide children with the opportunity to revisit drawing, painting and sculpture regularly. Skills are built upon, and we use a detailed skills progression document to plan and deliver art lessons. This includes ‘Milestones’ in the core art and design skills. This ensures that art skills are developed systematically throughout the course of the children’s schooling.
During an art unit, children will explore artists’ work and other stimuli for inspiration. Teachers will explicitly model art skills and techniques. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to explore, experiment and practise techniques using range of media and tools. From Year 2, pupils develop their ideas in sketchbooks and revise skills they have previously learnt
At West Twyford Primary School children use sketchbooks from Year 2 onwards and their consistent use means that children are able to review, modify and develop their initial ideas in order to achieve high quality outcomes. The opportunity for children to refine and develop their techniques over time is supported by effective lesson sequencing and progression between year groups. Children are able to discuss their choices and develop confidence in mastering techniques.
At West Twyford Primary School, a collaborative classroom culture is nurtured where children talk about skills, process and artists. Teachers and children are seen using subject specific vocabulary. Experimentation is seen as part of the process of art making and results in individual, unique work from pupils. Pupils see themselves as artists. Teachers feedback verbally throughout lesson in mini-plenaries and provide feedback to children 1:1.
Our Art and Design curriculum is high quality and impact is measured through pupil outcomes. Pupil sketchbooks and Art displays reflect the children’s sense of pride in their artwork and exhibit work of a high standard. Other ways impact is measured are pupil interviews, pupil work scrutiny, planning scrutiny and learning.